A fine apple soufflé

(Recipe #23, pages 166 – 167)

Ingredients: good cooking apples, preserves for filling them, ¼ pound of butter, ¼ pound of flour [a little less than 1 cup], ¼ pound [1/2 cup] of sugar, 6 eggs, ¼ quart [1 cup] of milk, and the peel of half a lemon. Continue reading

Sour cherry soufflé

(Recipe #21, page 166)

Soak ¾ pound of stale white bread without crust in milk and stir it thoroughly. Then cream a knob of butter the size of an egg, and add 9 egg yolks, some ground almonds, a few bitter lemon peels, 2–3 tablespoons of sugar, bread [from above], beaten egg white, 1 pound of pitted sour cherries mixed with sugar, and bake for an hour. Continue reading